In todays world we seem to be more stressed and living a life searching for either happiness, love or approval from others. I know that’s not the case for everyone but I’m sure at some point in your life you’ve asked yourself or wondered to yourself ‘Am I living the best life possible?’ There are so many tips and tools out there to help us along our journey of self-love and happiness, we may know the information but how many are applying it to their everyday lives?
Below are 5 tips you can apply right away for a happier life-
- Be grateful and appreciate everything in your life. From the smallest things to the biggest things- We can get so caught up in the day to day routine of ‘life’ and not recognise what we really have, what someone has done for us or the environment we live in. Take 10 minutes before you get up in the morning or at the end of the day to express your gratitude either by writing it down or letting someone know that you are grateful to have them in your life.
- Don’t compare yourself to others- it’s so easy to compare our lives to those around us or on social media and wish we had what they had or feel we are missing out on something. When you focus on what others are doing or what they have you lose connection with your inner self making you feel worthless which then turns into a negative spiral and instead of being motivated to take control of your life the opposite can happen.
- Happiness is truly a choice of your attitude- How do you start your day? In a positive or negative mindset? Are you ready to charge at what you’ve got planned for the day or are you waking up sluggish, unmotivated and wishing it was the weekend already? It all comes down to attitude! Things may not go to plan all the time and some things are out of our control but what we can control is our mind and our attitude. Everything we do is our choice and it’s our own responsibility. “What the mind can conceive it can achieve”
- Forgive your heart from hatred- holding onto hatred is like having an anchor at the bottom of the ocean that’s continuously weighing you down. If there’s something or someone pulling you down in life find a place in your heart where you can forgive and let it go.
- Free your mind from worry- worry is not real! Every story we can playing over in our own heads is what causes us grief, sadness and worry. Allowing our minds to fill up with worry or fear robs us time for being happy and loving. “For every minute you are worried or angry you lose 60 seconds of happiness”