Super pumped to say that I’m going to be joining in on round 3 of Beauty In Strength fitness program!!
After giving birth to Ava in February this year I have slowly started to build my strength back up, especially core strength and the BiS program is a great way for me to keep improving my overall strength and fitness.
Fitting in training can also be quite challenging with a baby and sometimes I don’t have the time to make it to the gym so BiS is programmed to be done anywhere and the time domains of the workouts really suit my schedule!
I’m someone that’s always had a goal with training and at the moment my training regime has been scattered and all over the place. I’m training here and there and feeling like I’m not consistent so the BiS program is a dedicated 30 days and I’m putting it out there to get motivation from my community.
I’m really looking forward to training with all the other ladies that’s going to be doing round 3 with me and I’m really hoping YOU come and join me on this special journey!
For more information please email me or connect on social media and I will let you know all the details!