Have something to charge at in your life! It may be a career goal, an athletic goal, a financial goal, (all of the above) whatever it may be write it down and take CHARGE! In the wild rhinos will charge, bulls will charge and lions will charge. We have the same strength, power and determination in us waiting for us to take charge! If you look at the way these strong animals charge there is no fear, no holding back or even a slight look of scares.
Surround yourself with other rhinos- rhinos who are taking charge of their own lives, rhinos who have their own goals, who will push you, challenge you, and bring the best out in you.“Charge with the rhinos, fly with the eagles, run with the cheaters and eat with the lions. If you hang around with the cows or sheep they will eventually bring you down.” Cows will tell you that they are being ‘realistic’. Either they are plain ignorant, lazy or they are trying to rationalise their failure. Associate yourself with the doers, the achievers, the positive, the live wires- and you will stay a fully charged rhino!
Success is there for anyone- you, me, friends, colleagues, rhinos, lions…… EVERYONE and ANYONE who will get off their arse and charge it down. Know exactly what you want and you will get it. Imagine it being yours, taste the victory of achieving your goal, it’s your belief that runs the motor, it’s your belief that fills you with an enthusiasm to charge, your enthusiasm electrifies your cells and makes them come alive. No one else can do it for you. It has to come from inside you. Don’t let anybody or anything drain your juice, make sure you are going after something worth your time. “It is better to attempt something great and fail then to attempt nothing and succeed”
Feed your body and your mind with the food that’s going to fuel your burning desire to achieve your goal and dreams. If you eat garbage your body and actions will show it. Don’t let your learning lead to knowledge let your learning lead to action, plan your dreams and then work on your plans then you have a chance of making your dreams come true. Allow yourself to be conscious of the negatives but do not saturate yourself with it as this will bring you down.
All of your energies are directed toward the attainment of your one burning desire. A magnifying glass will not start a fire until it is held in one spot continuously for a certain length of time. If it constantly moved from spot to spot, nothing will get warmed up, not even start a fire. Keep charging despite the difficulties, you can never tell when the flame can spark up, but you know that if you concentrate all your energies you will eventually have a roaring blaze. Then, you can go start your next fire!
The time is now!